BRITANNIA RULE THE WAVES! Visualisation of Maritime Spaces in Sea Manuals and Marine Painting in England in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Jannik Eikmeier (Trier)

Jannik Eikmeier’s dissertation project Visualisation of Maritime Spaces in Sea Manuals and Marine Painting in England in the 17th and 18th Centuries (Visualisierung maritimer Räume in Seehandbüchern und Marinemalerei in England im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert) explores question of how the sea is represented in the various visual media. What recurring pictorial elements, visual means of communication and pictorial content are there in the different media and are there any interferences between them? Where do the media influence each other in such a way that they reinforce each other? And where do they perhaps also overlap in a way that certain aspects in one of the media are eliminated by the other? Which content emphases are set in the respective media? In this context, questions about visual communication, the circulation of knowledge, but also visual culture in 17th and 18th century Britain play an important role.
Contact: Jannik Eikmeier